“The closer we live to the ground that we live from, the more we will know about our economic life; the more we know about our economic life, the more able we will be to take responsibility for it.” - Wendell Berry
Leaves are vital to our gardens and environment. They are a natural resource full of nutrients. It is amazing how much effort we put into getting rid of the one thing our soil needs!
When leaves decompose they nourish and enrich the soil. They feed its microbes and organisms. Saving our leaves can reduce soil infertility and lessen our dependence on synthetic fertilizer.
In traditional cultures, fallen leaves were looked upon as a precious material. They did not stuff leaves in plastic bags and ship the bags away on trucks. (!)
Why do we dislike leaves that have fallen to the ground? Manicured lawns and gardens should provide space for leaves to be stored and composted. We should mulch leaves, not banish them. Here are some ways you can do this:
Chop them up using a lawnmower
Shred them in a plastic garbage can with a weed wacker
Buy a leaf shredder
Use a leaf vacuum
Jump on big piles of them (this is for us more than the leaves)
You can compost them in a pile or in a compost bin like this one from Greenes:
Letting leaves proceed through their natural decomposition cycle lessens unnecessary costs. Localization and sustainability begins with leaves.
Leaf a comment! (Just a pun that crossed my mind immediately!) I love leaves! I put them in piles and run the lawnmower across. Similar idea to what you have already listed. The weed wacker in a plastic garbage pale is a great idea! Thank you for ALL your writings, sharing your deep love and connection to the earth... I love your designs filled with emotional awareness and love for all landscaping, especially rocks! Have thought of sharing my "garden" with you for years as I am just a bit away south of Peekskill...but it pales when I look through your books... Thank you for your caring, beautiful writings...With much gratitude and love for you, L
I use tô stuff leavesm in black plastic bags making few holes, a bit of water, mix all, and just let them in peace.. a year later....uala!!!! are composted