Jan... just joined the organization knowing you will be speaking tonight. I’m hoping I get the email link and look forward to your webinar.

Thank you for enhancing my garden experience!

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Oh! I think you will really enjoy it! Thanks!

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It’s 10 days later, and I’m finally able to watch your webinar.

I’m “ over the top “ with your ideas, inspiration, yet workable basic ideas that help me. I just loved the Webinar!

And, so enjoyed your science experiment; you were ahead of your times!

I look forward to going into the Garden Life website and seeing more of your videos.

Thank you!

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I hope this went well...I don't know how I missed it, but sad to say, I did...I do hope I can find the replay...I had been looking forward to this...

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It was quite fun! You have 30 days to view and get the plant list!

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Thanks Sjacha! I am so happy to hear you liked it! I am putting togehter another one to share!

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Thank you...the un-fenced area was decimated by deer, other plants get eaten by woodchucks...I thought I was choosing wisely, but moss phlox is completely eaten, plus other things...junipers I thought were safe, deodar cedars, and more...

Soil...sometimes I wish I was a botanist, or tree doctor... What is "Hilltop?"

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Thank you very much...I have gone to the link several times, across days, and cannot find your webinar. Perhaps it is not posted yet?

I HAVE found other links there, your photos of the Hudson Valley Gardens...Stonecrop, Boscobel, Manitoga...my dear girls grew up at Stonecrop...saw Shakespeare at Boscobel, and raked leaves at Manitoga...I have known about Innistree for over 50 years ago, first going there as a young new music teacher in Newburgh...crossing the river on weekends to be blessed with hearing an afternoon lecture by Lester Collins, seeing the house, exploring the cabins...loving it all...instilling gardening ideas at such a young age...having gone to Hammond Museum when I was 16, being stunned by the beauty...

I have struggled since buying my little 2.5 acre property when I was 24, rushing out to build stone walls before I got too old, knowing it would take 20 years. You, your writing, your photos, speak to me so deeply, so greatly...it brings me to tears to write this. I would humbly, brazenly, make the request for you to come see what I have managed to do in over 45 years...though I am very aware it's not even to the baseline finish...it's been me, working when I could, stopping for 20 years to raise my girls, then getting a mini-excavator a while back, learning to operate that, and work for years to build hardscaping. Years ago my "dream" was to be a Garden Conservancy garden, but I realize that won't ever happen. Still, I miss sharing this with others...maybe you would see what I hoped to do, even if it's not done, or been done in not the most beautiful way...I have tried...I live in Cortlandt Manor on Rocky Ridge, near Furnace Woods Elementary School and the Sportsman Center, if anyone would like to see...the azaleas are just starting to bloom now...there were awful deer attacks last year, when the fence failed several times. Recovery takes a long time...newly planted azaleas last fall that have died...a lot of death and destruction, but I try to go outside and see the beauty of what is there...even with the unraked paths, weeds starting to sprout everywhere, deer resistant plants and trees destroyed this past winter...so disheartening, when I want the garden to lift me up...maybe seeing it through the eyes of another would help...I would send a formal invitation, but I don't know where to write. If this is too brazen, I understand, and retire bowing backwards out of the "room"...with all my heart, thank you for you...

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I will contact Garden Design about letting you sign up for the webinar! I see that it is closed out oh no! Also it is all about the SOIL. Add lobster compost and great topsoil to make a beautiful planting bed before planting any deer resistant plants. Go to Hilltop for this. SOIL SOIL SOIL

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Hilltop...Nursery...got it...lobster compost!

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